Advice For Students (Part 1)

Advice For Students (Part 1)

As we look back on our life we can only think about things we would have done differently. So here is a list of a few things that we’ve learned over the years that we think others may find value in:

  • Work as soon as you are legally allowed to do so.  

It doesn’t have to feel noteworthy.  Baby sitting, delivering newspapers, and other jobs you “aren’t proud of” all count here.  Doing this encourages individual growth, and teaches you the value of hard work. It also teaches you that some jobs are more thankless than others, and will encourage you to work hard to progress towards careers where you can be happy (or at least not miserable) while earning a paycheck.  Too many young people go to college without a clue as to what they want to do with their lives. Get the experience early on so you can at least learn what you DON’T want to do.

  • Do Internships in fields you are interested in.

This has a lot of parallels with the first point.  Once you figure out what you DON’T want to do, focus your efforts in trying out things that you think you might enjoy doing.  Internships are great for this as they’re understood to have a defined end date. So for better or for worse, you go into it knowing that it will be an experience rather than a commitment.  Embrace it, and experience it for everything it is, good and bad. It will allow you to focus your attention and efforts on pursuing more of what you enjoy and less of what you don’t.  

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